
The purpose of Barnes Community Church is to glorify God, to provide a place and means of worship and service, and to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Barnes Community Church is a non-denominational church of the Christian faith. It is a church adhering to traditional Biblical values and theology.

We come from many church backgrounds and traditions. We are united in our faith in Jesus Christ and in our desire to follow Him as He is revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

We believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ over His church. Our faith is based upon Scripture and our trust for salvation is rooted in the death and resurrection of Christ. By His death He paid the price for our sin and guilt before a holy God. By His resurrection He opened wide the gates of heaven for all who come to Him in faith.

We teach that we are saved by God’s grace. Salvation is a free gift offered by God. It is received by faith. Eternal life begins at the moment of belief and finds its ultimate fulfillment in heaven.

We have gathered our many traditions into an informal, flexible form of worship; and we enjoy being together to praise and worship the Lord and to fellowship with one another.

     To all who need comfort;
     To all who need friendship;
     To those who are lonely and need companionship;
     To all who need sheltering love;
     To those who sin and need a Savior;
     Our church opens wide its doors,
     And in the name of our Lord says, “Welcome!”