The BCC Food Shelf is open the second Wednesday of each month from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. for persons living within 15 miles of Barnes, or those living in the zip codes of Barnes (54873), Drummond (54832), and Gordon (54383).
Those receiving food will need to bring identification and will be asked to complete a form with the names of household members, address, and reason for seeking assistance. Confidentiality is a priority. No personal information will be distributed. No church affiliation or restrictions other than financial apply. Our intent is to help those in our community who have a need; no strings attached.
Those wishing to donate food for the pantry may call the church office at 715-795-2195 to arrange a time to drop off items. Monetary donations are also accepted. Receipts are available for tax purposes. All donations are tax deductible.
Canned, shelf-stable foods such as canned meat, peanut butter, soups, canned vegetables, cereal, and canned fruit are welcome items. Monetary donations are used to maintain a good variety of foods in stock.