Church History
Barnes Community Church had its origin as a Bible study hosted in the home of a local Barnes family. This Bible study group began regular church services April 3, 1983, in the Barnes Town Hall and worshiped there for more than two years. Land was donated and construction of the new church on its present site began July 1985; first service in the new building was held December 8, 1985. Our church’s broad denominational base is illustrated by the initial administrative positions when chartered, which included two Baptists, three Lutherans, one Catholic, two Methodists, two Presbyterians, two Episcopalians, and one from United Church of Christ.
In May 1987, the pastor and his family moved into a new parsonage built by volunteer labor. A Christian Education addition to the church was begun in 1994 and now provides classrooms and a multipurpose area.
The cornerstone of our church reads, “To God Be the Glory.”
Denominational Status and Membership Overview
Barnes Community Church is a non-denominational church of the Christian faith. It is a church adhering to traditional Biblical values and theology.
The community of Barnes and surrounding lakes area is a melting pot of seasonal summer residents, permanent residents, retirees, and vacationers. Drawing from this population, our attendance is highly seasonal with Sunday attendance in summer months approximately 120 and in winter months dropping to approximately 65. The official membership of the church is 180 members. We keep a database of approximately 30 Friends of the Church who may attend and contribute regularly but retain membership in another church “back home.”
The church Board of Trustees, consisting of seven elected church members, has responsibility for administration of all church business including execution of deeds and legal documents on behalf of the church. The Board elects its Chair and Vice-Chair from among its seven members.
The Board of Deacons, consisting of five elected church members, is responsible for the spiritual life of the church and oversees ministry goals, pulpit supply in the absence of the pastor, visitation and outreach, candidates for church membership, and church discipline.
Standing committees include Worship, Music, Christian Education, Missions, Property Management, Audit, Nominating, Historian, Memorial, and Policy.
In addition to our Sunday worship service, we also have a mid-week Bible study group. Community ministries include summer Vacation Bible School, winter community dinners, and our monthly Food Shelf.
Barnes Christian Men meet every Wednesday morning for fellowship, devotions, and work projects. On an annual basis, BCM has a Trash for Cash fundraiser and July 4th Pancake Breakfast, in addition to other community outreach and projects.
Barnes Christian Women meet on the first Wednesday of each month. BCW activities include a canteen and fresh caramel rolls for the Trash for Cash sale, the fall Ladies’ Salad Luncheon, an annual Christmas dinner at the church, and more.
Our church has the blessing of supporting both local and international missions.
Theology and Faith Stance
We believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ over His church. Our faith is based upon Scripture and our trust for salvation is rooted in the death and resurrection of Christ.
We teach that we are saved by grace, that salvation is a free gift received by faith, and that eternal life begins at the moment of belief. We have gathered many diverse backgrounds and traditions into an informal, flexible form of worship and we enjoy being together to praise and worship.
Furthermore, we believe in:
the Bible as the inspired word of God; one living God existing in three persons; Jesus Christ as God’s only son; the Holy Spirit; the creation of men and women in the image of God; salvation through the death of Christ on the cross; adult baptism; infant baptism or dedication as the choice of the family; communion with the Lord’s table open to all believers; the individual’s direct relationship with God; answered prayer, the resurrection of the body, the final judgment, the eternal bliss of the righteous, and the endless suffering of the wicked.